One of the Worst Recruiting Strategies

I have a few pet peeves about recruiting for Children’s Ministry but one that ranks up at the top of the list is when leaders say they need to “fill holes”.  Every time I hear that, I get chills up spine.  Think about it.  What message do you think that philosophy sends about a ministry to a prospective volunteer?  I don’t serve, I just filled a hole.

I believe that the way in which a volunteer is recruited is directly related to the way that they serve.  If someone is recruited by a leader who shares the vision and mission of a ministry, that volunteer’s potential is unlimited.  They will have a vested interest in the ministry and are more likely to serve longer and take on more leadership roles.  If someone is recruited to “fill a hole”, they will likely not even know or care about where the ministry is going and are likely to serve a much shorter time.

Let’s show potential volunteers how passionate we are about what we do and recruit them as a ministry partner, not a “hole-filler”.

We love our volunteers!

This weekend, we are hosting an appreciation picnic for our amazingly faithful volunteers.  We are so blessed to serve alongside volunteers who love children and want to help them know and love Jesus.  One of the ways that I will honor them is to present them with a handwritten note of thanks along with a prayer of blessing over them.  I can’t think of a better way to send them off for the summer!

How do you honor your volunteers at the end of the ministry year?