Enjoying the silence…sort of

This week, our children are enjoying time at the beach with some friends of ours.  Over the weekend, there was a flurry of activity to get them ready to go:  laundry, shopping, packing, checking packing lists, shelling out spending money, bickering (over who got to take the larger suitcase), and checking packing lists again.  Then, Monday afternoon came…silence.  With two teenagers in the house, this is extremely rare.  But the house is a little too quiet in my opinion.

I am trying to enjoy the silence, though.  On the upside, I have had a little time to think about some future projects that I’d like to tackle, my husband and I have enjoyed eating out (the stove burners are also on vacation this week!) and I’ve had some good, undistracted prayer time.  On the downside, the silence has been a little awkward.  I realize how much our children are an integral part of our family and their absence makes the dynamics of our family change in a weird way.  I already knew that, but sometimes, it’s good to be reminded about the things that matter most–family and relationships.

Until next week, I’ll enjoy the silence…sort of.