These are resources that I think every KidMin leader should have on his or her book shelf:
Making Your Children’s Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kid’s Week by Sue Miller and David Staal
Children’s Ministry Volunteers that Stick by Jim Wideman
Lead the Way God Made You by Larry Shallenberger
The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School by Aaron Reynolds
The Growing Leader: Healthy Essentials for Children’s Ministry by Craig Jutila
Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God’s Agenda by Henry Blackaby and Richard Blackaby
Turbocharged: 100 Simple Secrets to Successful Children’s Ministry by Dale Hudson and Scott Werner
The Power of Team Leadership by George Barna
7 Practices of Effective Ministry by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner and Lane Jones
If Disney Ran Your Children’s Ministry by Justyn Smith, Dale Hudson and Bruce Barry
Don’t Quit: The Best Things in Ministry Come Over Time by Jessica Bealer and Gina McClain
The Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams by Dale Hudson

Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions: Why Children Should Be Your Church’s #1 Priority
by George Barna Great Book Must Read!
I will certainly add that one, Jean!